Rochie Margot
Rochie petrecuta tip camasa midi albastru cu maneci lungi si drapaje Margot
1390 RON
1042.5 RON
Rochie Margot
Rochie petrecuta tip camasa midi verde cu maneci lungi si drapaje Margot
1390 RON
1042.5 RON
Rochie Agua
Rochie midi albastru indigo din viscoza cu drapaje si maneci lungi Agua
1790 RON
1342.5 RON
Rochie Ibis
Rochie neagra conica din viscoza cu drapaje pe bust si maneci lungi Ibis
1490 RON
1117.5 RON
Rochie Kayo
Rochie camasa neagra din viscoza cu fusta tip creion, drapaje pe bust si maneci Kayo
1690 RON
1267.5 RON
Celebritati care poarta tinute Alina Cernatescu
Vezi toate vedetele

Olimpia Melinte in Helios Dress.

Alice Moreschini in Nereide Dress.

Andreea Brasoveanu in Fame Dress.

Andreea Cigolea in Selia Dress.

Olimpia Melinte in View Dress.

Magda Palimariu in Zest Dress.








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Liderii nostri

Alina Cernatescu
“Pun foarte multa pasiune in lucrurile pe care le fac si consider ca prin detaliile realizate manual pe care le incorporez in rochii pot transmite o mica parte din mine, din iubirea cu care creez. Ca artist, incerc sa aduc fiecare produs la nivel de arta, iar asta se poate obtine doar cu grija si emotia lucrurilor facute de mana.”
Studiaza FASHION DESIGN in Bucuresti la “School of Art & Style” in 2012. Dupa o serie de experimente, lanseaza brand-ul “Alina Cernatescu” in 2015 impreuna cu sora ei, Elena. In 2015 prezinta colectia de Primavara – Vara in cadrul Feeric Fashion Week. Are peste 15 colectii lansate care se vand in magazine din Romania si international.
Studiaza FASHION DESIGN in Bucuresti la “School of Art & Style” in 2012. Dupa o serie de experimente, lanseaza brand-ul “Alina Cernatescu” in 2015 impreuna cu sora ei, Elena. In 2015 prezinta colectia de Primavara – Vara in cadrul Feeric Fashion Week. Are peste 15 colectii lansate care se vand in magazine din Romania si international.
Mai mult

Elena Cernatescu
“Brandul Alina Cernatescu este o experienta premium in sine. De la vizita in showroom pana la achizitia produselor in mediul online, ne dorim ca interactiunea cu noi sa fie una memorabila si sustenabila.”
Elena a absolvit facultatea de Comunicare si este masteranda in DIGITAL MARKETING la IDM Londra. Dupa o experienta de 9 ani in advertising & comunicare, decide sa devina antreprenoare si lanseaza brand-ul “Alina Cernatescu” impreuna cu sora ei, Alina. Elena se ocupa de managementul companiilor din grup si comunicarea brandului Alina Cernatescu.
Elena a absolvit facultatea de Comunicare si este masteranda in DIGITAL MARKETING la IDM Londra. Dupa o experienta de 9 ani in advertising & comunicare, decide sa devina antreprenoare si lanseaza brand-ul “Alina Cernatescu” impreuna cu sora ei, Alina. Elena se ocupa de managementul companiilor din grup si comunicarea brandului Alina Cernatescu.
Mai mult
Urmareste-ne pe Instagram
Irina Baltateanu
I recently had the pleasure of wearing a dress created by Alina Cernătescu for a special event, and I must say, it was an absolute showstopper.
Alina's attention to detail is truly remarkable. The craftsmanship of the dress was impeccable, with every stitch and seam executed flawlessly. The fabric used was not only luxurious but also incredibly comfortable, allowing me to move with ease throughout the evening. Alina's ability to blend classic elegance with a modern twist is evident in every aspect of the dress, but what I appreciated most about the dress was its versatility. It was perfect for a formal event, yet the timeless design ensures that I can wear it for years to come, making it a valuable addition to my wardrobe.
Additionally, the customer service provided by Alina Cernătescu's team was exceptional. They were very responsive, attentive to my needs and ensured that the dress fit me perfectly.
If you're looking for a dress that combines craftsmanship, style, and comfort, I highly recommend Alina Cernătescu's creations. It's more than just clothing; it's a wearable masterpiece.
Simona-Cristina Radu
Alina designed my civil wedding dress, you can imagine the pressure :)). Needless to say, our collaboration was flawless and all her advices were extremely helpful. I'll return to her workshop for the amazing clothes and positive vibe.
Lovely showroom with unique dresses. Alina herself guided me towards the best dress choice, which was such an amazing surprise
Moise Laura
I liked so much the result regarding my dress tailored by Alina Cernatescu atelier!
The material is high quality and so is the cut!
I love the details that they look for and also the fact that they offer a guarantee for the embroidery.
I will return to the atelier for sure!
cristache carmen
Regardless of the event, Alina and her team will help you find the perfect dress that will make you feel and look special. In case you are afraid that the standard size does not benefit you, I recommend the made to measure option, which involves creating the chosen outfit based on your body dimensions - not to mention that it makes you feel really special. I always choose Alina's creations with confidence, and this is because they offer quality and confidence that I will not make a mistake with the chosen outfit.

Consultanta vestimentara

Produse personalizate

Servicii made-to-measure

Retus & reconditionare produse

Garantie pe viata pentru broderii

Consultanta cadouri

Servicii premium
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Servicii couture
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